Sunday, April 29, 2007

Border Fences

I'll admit that I was proud.

Everyone else's garden plot at the Nature Center was overgrown with a thick mat of weeds left over from last Fall's neglect. I attacked my new plot and won a glorious victory against the weeds, beating them back to the edge of my borders.

Temperatures were in the 70's and planting things seemed like the logical thing to do. A brief visit to the local nursery resulted in numerous eggplant, tomato, and pepper plants occupying the space left by the weeds. In true Mennonite fashion, my garden plot was much better tended than any other plot. I could almost taste fresh tomatos and hot peppers.

Than the Canadians sent a blast of their air down this way (We really need a border fence to prevent that sort of thing). Suddenly tempartures were in the 20's. It took me about a week to muster up the courage to look at my garden plot again. Sure enough, everything I had planted was about as brown as the dirt it was planted in.

I guess I need to remember that this isn't gardening the way it was in northern Ontario, where you put stuff in the ground and keep your fingers crossed that it will mature prior to the first Fall frost.
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