Saturday, April 08, 2006

These guys need a better PR person

I'm in favour of immigration, and know people labeled "illegal aliens" who I think ought to be given citizenship in this country.

This week the status of these people was in the news, and I found myself praying that maybe life will be made better for some of these people. They also seem to have hoped the same thing, as marches were held in different parts of the country supporting more aggressive immigration reform that would be favourable to illegal immigrants.

Jane and John Doe. Jane and John Doe are not inspired to feelings of patriotism when they see a crowd of people waving some other country's flag. If these people really want to convince the American public that they ought to be given American citizenship, they should leave their native country's flags at home, and buy some American flags to wave at their march.

Think about it. Would Canadians feel inclined to give Canadian citizenship to a bunch of Americans waving American flags on Bay Street in Toronto?

That's my opinion, and I'm sticking to it.
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