Friday, May 19, 2006

Looky Johny did it!!

My sisters, both being smarter than me, are graduates of Ivy League schools, or should I say an Ivy League School. I shelled out comparable amounts of money, but attended the non-Ivy league school down the street. Jennifer, my youngest sister, celebrated her graduation from Columbia's school of Occupational Therapy (OT) this week. Due to the benevolent donation of tickets by classmates from afar whose families were unable to make the trek, the Burkholder clan and associates were able to all attend. The event was a bit more light-hearted than my overly pompous medical school graduation. Instead of a boring Nobel prize winner talking about something irrelevant to our lives, they had a spirited, enthusiastic commencement speech delivered by an OT.

I'm proud of both of my sisters. They've both accomplished so much academically. Jennifer's graduation marked the end of 6 year's worth of training. In a specialty more competitive to enter than medical school, and more difficult to stay in once accepted (just under 10% of her starting class didn't make it through the program) she made it all look like a walk in the park.

Speaking of which, my favorite Chattanooga park beckons....
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