Tuesday, December 25, 2007

Moving again...

Life in December is good.

I like the way that all of society paints itself with a veneer of Christianity, albeit a thin one. Its nice to turn your radio on and hear Carols. In a society that no longer treats Sunday much differently than a Saturday, its nice to drive around and see almost all businesses closed.

I've now lived in Tennessee longer than any other place since leaving Ontario almost half a lifetime ago. Its nice to have been in a place long enough to put a few roots down again.

However, I have accumulated a fair amount of junk during this time here. My dad is fond of saying that three moves equal one house fire. Not having moved in about 4 years, I'm in bad need of either another move or else a house fire. Since neither seemed to be in the cards anytime soon, I did the true American thing, and rented a storage unit.

Yes, this Christmas break found me moving boxes of unused items, gardening supplies, a bicycle, etc all over to the storage unit I'm renting. I suppose I must just have missed moving too much.

December has also been a good month since I've been on trauma. I enjoy being on the trauma service. Most of the time you're dealing with beligerent drunks who really don't have much of anything wrong with them besides scrapes and bruises. However, every now and then someone rolls in the door who is actively dying on you. I love the diagnostic challenge of those situations. You have to make diagnostic and treatment decisions quickly, and often times with very little information. Watching one or two patients eventually leave the hospital who came in near dead is what makes this rotations worth it. After December, I have one more month on trauma, and that will be it.


Blogger Scribbler said...

Moving stuff into a storage facility is a form of moving, isn't it?
Happy New Year(of more collecting now that you have more room.)

9:00 AM  

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